Tuesday, July 11, 2006

How work interfers with knitting

Last night was my first night back at work. Things haven't changed much but I have. I am not as strong as I was when I left and my boss thinks I can just jump in where I left off. Today I am hurting. I have bruises, (some you can see some you can't but I can feel them) and scratches and I can feel some blisters starting. My main complaint about that is that it slows down my knitting, or I don't knit much because my hands are tired. So before work was taking away from my knitting because I was at work and couldn't knit. Now it may start to take away from my knitting time at home.

But a quick show and share about what I have been knitting. Dad's second sock is almost done. Here is the Lemongrass sock so far.

And here is my Charlotte's Web Shawl. I am using the two last colours together now. Very exciting.

I think I might knit (slowly) and watch a movie today. hmmm yes maybe. I want to head to work early because I would like to see my bf today and he will be leaving work when I am starting. Back to how it was when I was in school. I come home for the summer and we work opposite shifts. We worked on the same shift at one point because that is how we met.

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