Saturday, December 23, 2006

This old house

They say that Christmas can bring back childhood feelings. Perhaps old houses and family homes makes you feel like that as well.

Last night my mother and I came to my Grandmother's house. I will be here now until Boxing Day. I packed my bags full of knitting projects that will be impossible to complete so I will not run out of things to do and prepared myself for a rather sad Christmas. This is of course our last Christmas in the family home. As a child I was here every other weekend with my parents. My cousins and I have "the girl's" room, my parents have their room and my aunt and uncle have their room. I have never had a Christmas that I can remember when I was not here. My grandma says she feels that my grandfather is still in this house. I don't know what I believe when it comes to things like that but there is a certain feeling here.

Last night when we got here and I went up to bed I felt like such a little girl again. I am an adult with a job and a house of my own on the way but when I lay down in my bed last night, turned out the light and rolled over to sleep I felt so small.

I am going to miss this place. Over the years of going to school and growing up I didn't come here as often as when I was a child but this house means so much to me.
I better get back to all of my Christmas knitting because I have to get at least two socks done in two days. Will I do it? We shall see.

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