Thursday, November 09, 2006


It is official news time! I didn't want to say much before in my ramblings because things weren't for sure and I don't like to...well you know.

Anyway! My bf and I have just been approved for a morgage on a townhouse! WAHOOO! I'm so excited and scared my mind is everywhere.

I usually love Thursdays because the house is empty and I get a ton of work done but tonight I can't concentrate. Usually I love to be left alone for few hours and tonight I can't stand it and am feeling very lonely.

I don't want to call my family when my parents aren't home but I'm dying to tell everyone about the house. Maybe I need to do some laundry to calm myself. Yikes I really don't know anything better to do with myself.

Last night's knitting did not involve the baby blanket or socks it was Thrum Mittens. They should be finished tonight I would think.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations Sarah!

You must be so excited! The next stage of your life is just beginning.

Connie said...

Congratulations - I got your message - sorry I didn't call back! How exciting!