Saturday, August 15, 2009

Addictive knitting

I have been knitting and I have proof.

Even more of an accomplishment because I had to rip out half of the first side and do the whole thing over again. Silly me did two very silly mistakes. Mistake number one was that I cast on the number of stitches for the wrong size. I did not notice mistake number one until after I noticed mistake #2.

I looked at my work and counted my stitches. I was almost done the decreases. The excitement builds. We have almost finished the majority of the stockinette stitch and am that much closer to the fun stuff.

But wait....I think I have too few stitches too fast. Count....count again.....look at pattern. Ooooh crap. I had been decreasing for the front panel the same way I did the back ( on each side ) but because it is only one side I should have only been decreasing at the side of course. Silly knitter.

So now the brain starts to work out how to fix this rather large mistake with the least amount of work to do/work lost. My hubby suggests "just rip the whole thing out and start again". I glare at him.

My brain decided to drop a few stitches down the side where I should not have been decreasing and pick that section back up without the decreases. Of course because this little section ( inches and inches of a section) had been gradually decreasing in stitches the work is gradually getting tighter and tighter. But I persevere. I'm not sure I'm happy but maybe when I'm finished I can work at the stitches to even them out.

All picked back up again ready to go I do another count. Hmmmm....count again....look at the pattern again.... There it is MISTAKE #1 you cast on the wrong number of stitches for your size you twit. AHHHHHHHHHHH.

So hubby did not say "I told you so" but.... I did have to rip the whole thing out after all.

Today I am happily working again and just roaring along. This is my problem now. I can't stop. I'm on the pattern section of the sweater and I had to make myself put it down at 10pm....11pm....midnight.

Monday, August 03, 2009


I haven't been posting but I have been being very crafty. I don't have many great exciting knitting pictures because for all the knitting I have been doing trying to finish my UFOs I haven't had a lot of focus. I have been working a little bit here and there and not making any real progress on any one thing.

I have also been trying a few new hobbies. The thing with having the summers off is that you find new ways to fill your time and spend your money.

First was the sewing. I pulled out grandma's sewing machine again and did some experimenting. I ended up watching this video online. and changed a few things about it, added and iron-on and voila! A skirt!

The other crafty thing I have been up to is a little drawing and painting. It started with me starting to design a new tattoo for myself. Then I started to do a little painting.

The one on the right is the one I did first. I learned a bit doing that one and then did the one on the left a little later. I like the one on the left better but my hubby likes the one on the right.

I haven't completely stuck by my promise to myself not to start anything new. But I have a good reason. There are two babies coming that need little sweaters and then there is this one.

I even love the stockinette stitch of the back. Spud and Chloe is so nice to work with. Psst I know where you can get some ;)